"A Book For Every Child is a year-round project established in 1992, with the goal of giving books to children and youth who otherwise would not own a book. A Book For Every Child promotes awareness of the importance of books in a child's life, supports family literacy and has a direct and lasting impact on children in our community."
"The books are distributed to children of all ages who otherwise would not own a book, though more than 50 area agencies serving families and children."
"This year's campaign is our 21st! In the past 20 campaigns we have been able to distribute nearly 143,000 books to children, thanks to the generosity of Londoners."
When I was choosing my books at the store, I wanted to get a variety. I chose a couple of Christmas stories because I absolutely LOVE Christmas stories! And I love these 2 books very much. I also thought it was important to get some classics (if you read my personal post last week you know this!), so I was very excited to find these classics!
"You may purchase books at participating booksellers who offer a 20% discount from Nov.10-Dec.22.
*Coles Bookstore, Masonville
*Oxford Book Shop, 262 Picadilly
*Scholar's Choice: Trafalgar at Airport Road, 101 Fanshaw Park E., & 3120 Wonderland Rd. S.
*The Book Store at Western: University Community Centre
*Books Plus: 1153 Western Rd.
*Chapters: 86 Fanshawe Park Rd. E. and 1037 Wellington Rd."
I had so much fun choosing these books for the book drive, however it was SO hard to stick to a limit! I know that I wanted to get one teen and one 9-12 so that older kids would have something great to read as well. This was difficult, but I chose 2 of my favourites: Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher (an AMAZING teen book about suicide) and book 1 in The Rangers Apprentice: The Ruins of Gorlan by John Flanagan (for more information about this series, you can find my review of it in my archives.) I hope that whoever gets these books loves them as much as I do!
"Financial donations are also most welcome and gift cards are available on request. These funds enable Library staff to purchase new books on your behalf for children of all ages."
If you are interested in donating to this program, visit any London Public Library or visit the library website for more information. I really feel it is important that those of us who are in a better position than others help out where we can. It doesn't matter how big or small our action is, anything helps.
I apologize for sounding corny, but let's make this world a better place!
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