I have some ideas for my next few personal posts, all of which relate to my blog. This is my first full year of blogging and it has come with its ups and downs. I am an avid reader and I absolutely LOVE reviewing books! It is such a pleasure for me and I hope I can continue to do this for a long time to come! As long as you will keep reading my reviews, I will continue to review! When I am reviewing, I try my best not to spoil anything for a potential reader, but if there is ever anything in my review that is a spoiler, I will be sure to note it so that you can decide if you want to go ahead and read the review or not!

Working on this blog has come with its challenges as I do not have the internet at home. I keep up with my blog posts by coming to the library with my laptop once a week and I keep up with my Facebook page via my phone. I am hoping to one-day-soon have internet access at home so I can do even more with my blog! I have so many ideas for different contests, ways in which to advertise my blog and to help my followers and likes grow, I just need the time and access in which to make these things happen! There are also times when I want to post an "extra" blog because something has happened that gave me an idea or I read about a particular story or event that I want to share. Unfortunately this is not something I can do at the moment, but I will do my best to make note of whatever catches my eye so I can relay it to you either on here or on my Facebook page!
When I choose a book to read, I try and make sure it is different from the one I just read and reviewed. If you've read a bunch of my blog posts, you will probably have an idea of what kinds of books I enjoy reading (erm, cozy mysteries come to mind...), but I hope you also see that I read a variety of genres. I am always trying to expand my reading list and I am open to suggestions!!!! I also read so much that I do not review all of the books I have read, so if you mention a book to me, it is possible I have already read it! I tend to choose books that have been on my reading list for a while, have just come out and I'm super excited about them, or ones that have been recommended to me! Feel free to text, email, message, or comment on my blog with recommendations you have for me! I will do my best to read them in a reasonable amount of time!

In the coming few weeks I plan to "summarize" my reading and reviews for the year. I will post what books I have read in particular genres, my goals for 2013 (with reading and with my blog), as well as summarize the exciting opporunities I have been lucky enough to have this year with regards to my blog. I hope my luck continues next year and more opportunities come my way! I would love to get in touch with more authors, find out what YOU think of books you have read, and get more people reading my reviews!

I have randomly posted some pictures of books I am hoping to read in the new year throughout this blog post. As always, thank you for your continued support! It is great to see my number of followers and likes growing! I hope it will continue to grow in 2013!!!!
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