Thursday, 25 October 2012

Celebrating 1 Year!!!!!

“We read to know that we are not alone.”
William Nicholson

Wow, I signed in to my blog and went to my very first post and realized - my blog is one year old today! 42 posts, 26 followers and a Facebook page with 34 likes later, here I am! I'm not going to lie, having a blog is pretty challenging. Finding the time to work on it (especially with no internet at home) and trying to keep my reading varied to appeal to many (I apologize if I may have been a little stuck on the same stuff) can be tough. I am up for the challenge, though!!!

After speaking with my friend and blog expert, Meg Courtney (check out her blog at and her Facebook page Meg Courtney Photography), I feel inspired and ready to make some much needed changes. My goals over the next year are to become a better blogger, get more followers on my blog and "likes" on my Facebook page, and to share all of the books I love with you!!!!! I would also like to interview more authors, as I was lucky enough to interview Canadian author Lilian Nattel, author of Web of Angels, and American author Sarah Jio, author of The Violets of March. I will be posting on a more regular basis and my goal is to blog 2-3 times each week. These may not all be reviews of books I have read, but please stay tuned for some fun ideas (again, thank you to Meg!) and maybe even some...contests? Gift cards? Free books? Eh? Haha.

I need to send out another thank you to Jennifer, who is one of my absolute favourite readers and people. Even though I have not been with Chapters for over a year now she still sends me books to review and it is very exciting coming home to that bright yellow envelope! I am so thankful that I have been able to continue reviewing books for Random House and I am hoping that this blog and my passion for reading and reviewing will lead me somewhere with regards to a job, even if it is something I do "on the side."

As some of you may know, I have been having difficulties reading lately, as my focus has not been the greatest. It feels as though something is missing in my life when I am not engulfed in a book and I am doing everything in my power to "get my reading back." Luckily, thanks to Helen Dunmore, I have found myself immersed in the world of Ingo, where the sea calls to Sapphire, land calls to Connor, and I find myself wishing I were a mermaid haha.

“Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing.”
Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird 

Thank you all for your support over the past year. It really means a lot to me and I look forward to bringing a little smile to your day, updates on me and my life, and hopefully adding some books to your bookshelves!

Happy Reading!
